Acupuncture: Promoting Natural Healing
Acupuncture can address a different array of ailments by promoting natural healing in disease prevention and management. Thin filiform needles are inserted into specific points on the body to influence the flow of energy (Qi) and restore health and well-being. The needles are pre-sterilized, single-use, and disposable.
Restore your health, vitality, and enduring equilibrium with comprehensive, holistic methodologies.
Marta Viola
We prioritize natural holistic care
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Find strength to become healty
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Melissa Moore
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Discover your way to relieve stress
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Marta is a very skilled, diligent, and compassionate practitioner. I had a reoccurrance of an old left-knee injury where I could barely walk. After only one orthopedic acupuncture session with Marta, I was not only walking again but my pain was 80% better. She saved me from having to get knee surgery. I highly recommend Marta!
Noosha K.
I have been getting treatments from Marta Viola for the past three years on and off …
Marta’s knowledge of the field of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, her kindness, her attention to the details of my experiences and symptoms, and knowing how to address them has helped me to feel better and find more physical and mental balance over the time of her treatment…
I feel very fortunate to know her and receive her holistic approach towards wellbeing…
Walking Again: After suffering with severe Sciatica pain, I got myself in to see Marta. Don’t know how I got there but I am glad that I did. That very evening, the pain started subsiding. It took several days but is now completely gone. We are still working on a few small issues but the pain is gone. I’m sure glad Marta convinced me to come in and see her.